The Title of Liberty

Christ-centered, constitutionally-based, education for all

At our new private school in Arizona, grounded in the core values of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we offer a nurturing environment where your child can thrive academically with the help of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ready to apply?

Fill out our new student application to get started!

Christ Reading with Children

What We Do

At Title of Liberty Academy, we nurture a love of learning within a Christ-centered environment. We believe each child is a precious individual, uniquely created by God with immense potential. Our innovative approach to education empowers students to master core subjects, discover their passions, and develop their God-given talents.

  • Mastery-Based Learning. We move beyond the traditional grade level mentality. Students progress at their own speed, ensuring a deep understanding of concepts before moving on.
  • Individualized Instruction. Our dedicated teachers tailor their approach to each student's learning style and needs, fostering a love of discovery and exploration.
  • Experience a safe haven. We provide an environment where students feel safe, loved, and valued, allowing them to focus on learning and growing with others who share the same beliefs as them.

At Title of Liberty Academy, we believe every child has the potential to be a light in the world. We invite you to explore our unique approach to education and discover how we can help your child reach their full potential - academically, spiritually, and personally.

Don't let tuition get in the way!

We strive to make a Christ-centered education accessible to all families by keeping our tuition costs competitive. Additionally, our staff can assist you in navigating the application process for an ESA (Empowerment Scholarship Account) grant, which can significantly help cover tuition costs. Reach out for more details!

Our Story

Families of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints face a significant challenge in finding an educational environment that fully aligns with their faith and values. As the secularization of public education continues to grow, many parents are increasingly concerned about the potential influence of conflicting ideologies and worldviews on their children's education. Traditional public schools lack the emphasis on religious teachings and values that many families desire, leaving parents feeling frustrated and uncertain about the educational options available to them. This growing gap between the values taught at home and those encountered in the classroom has created a pressing need for alternative educational institutions that prioritize our Church's principles and provide a supportive environment for children to learn and grow in accordance with their faith.

For years, we've recognized a growing demand among families of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for an alternative educational option that resonates with our religious values. Our community seeks a school that will remain steadfast in upholding the principles and teachings of the Church, remaining free from the influence or alteration by the ever-increasing state or governmental agendas.

Title of Liberty Academy offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by families of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in finding an educational environment that fully embraces their faith and values. Our school provides a safe, nurturing, and academically rigorous environment where our principles are integrated into every aspect of the educational experience. From our carefully selected curriculum to our values-based approach to teaching and learning, we strive to create an educational haven where children can thrive both academically and spiritually. By immersing students in the teachings of our church, fostering a sense of community, and instilling a love of learning rooted in faith, we empower students to develop a strong foundation of values and character that will guide them throughout their lives. At Title of Liberty Academy, we are not just providing an education -- we are shaping future leaders who are grounded in their faith and prepared to make a positive impact in the world.

Our Vision

Our long-term vision is to establish our schools as sanctuaries of learning, free from the influences that may compromise the values cherished by our community. We aspire to create environments where every child is known by name, fostering enduring relationships within the community while nurturing individual growth. At our schools, religion is not just tolerated, but rather celebrated as an integral part of the educational experience.

“Real understanding will come to you as you realize the interdependence of study and prayer, as you maintain a commitment to serve while learning and earning, and as you trust in and rely on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles “Lean Not unto Thine Own Understanding,” BYU devotional address, 14 January 2014

Our aim is to empower each student to become a positive force for change in the world, equipped with the knowledge, values, and skills to make a lasting impact for the better. We strive to prepare our students to navigate the complexities of the world while remaining steadfast in their faith, embodying the principle of being 'in the world, but not of the world.'

This endeavor marks the initial step on a journey of many, guided by our unwavering faith and belief that these schools are part of God's plan. These principles define our mission and underscore our commitment to shaping the future generations with love, compassion, and unwavering dedication.

Our Team

With over 70 years of combined experience in education, each member of our close-knit group shares a profound commitment to our faith. We're brought together by a common goal: to establish an educational institution that not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures the spiritual and moral growth of our students. Every member brings a wealth of expertise and passion to the table. Our collaborative spirit, fueled by shared values, ensures that every aspect of our school's development is infused with integrity, compassion, and a steadfast dedication to excellence.

Be a Part of Our Thriving Community!

At Title of Liberty Academy, we're building something special. Whether you're looking for a nurturing Christ-centered environment for your child or a fulfilling career path in education, we invite you to join our vibrant community! Explore the options below to see if becoming a student or a team member is the perfect fit for you.

Enroll Your Child

Official enrollment is not yet open, but you can secure your spot by supporting the relevant tier of our Indiegogo campaign. This payment from you covers your application fee and beginning tuition deposit. For more details, reach out to the school.

  • Mastery-based learning for individualized student progress
  • Experienced and caring teachers dedicated to each child's needs
  • Develop strong moral character and a love for God and others
Secure Your Child's Spot

Join Our Team

Join our passionate team and make a difference in the lives of children in a nurturing Christ-centered environment. Check out our open positions at the link below and apply today!

  • Rewarding career in education with a focus on individualized learning
  • Be part of a supportive community that shares your values
  • Help shape young minds and nurture their God-given talents
View Open Positions

Support Our School

While enrollment and employment are wonderful ways to join our community, we understand that's not always possible. If you'd still like to support our mission of nurturing Christ-centered education, consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us empower young minds!

Donate Today!

Frequently asked questions

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Let's Connect!

Have questions about Title of Liberty Academy and how we can nurture your child's potential? Fill out the form below and a friendly member of our admissions team will be happy to connect with you – there's no obligation to enroll.


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